Sunday, November 6, 2011

hello snow, goodbye steam shower

Today I enjoyed the freshly fallen snow with my little sis Heather and also FINALLY sold my steam shower!

Yep!  Remember this?  This may or may not have been one of the greatest things that has happened to me in my life.  I remember the day after was unreal.  I couldn't stop laughing about the whole situation.... and to think we almost didn't go because we wanted to sleep in.  Thank you price is right winnings for providing me with the money to buy my beloved new camera!  Drew Carey, I love you!


  1. Oh man. What a fabulous day. I forgot that woman's name...but I loved that she won so much. I love that YOU won so much! Woot woot!!

  2. steam shower or a camera. I would choose camera too! Good job game show girl :)

  3. Steam shower sold!!!! Man I wish I could have bought it. So grateful for your awesome new camera baby.


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